Transport for NSW Training Courses for 2024

Designing for Pedestrians and Bicycle Riders

Bookings are now open for the two-day Transport for NSW training courses in 2024:

  • Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th May 2024
  • Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th June 2024
  • Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th October 2024

This two-day TfNSW training course is designed to give traffic and transit professionals a thorough grounding in current NSW best practice for the design and provision of facilities for pedestrians and bicycle riders.

The course is suitable for TfNSW staff, council officers and traffic & transport consultants working in both the public and private sectors.

This course provides a comprehensive coverage of the key issues and operating characteristics for pedestrians and bicycle riders particularly when mixing with other modes. The course consists of a mixture of field work (on foot and by bike), tutorials and workshop exercises where you will work in teams to develop solutions to real-life examples.

  • Venue: Rydges Sydney Central Hotel 22-44 Albion St, SURRY HILLS Sydney

Included in the $957 (incl GST) registration fee are: Course tuition by two experienced practitioners; visual presentations featuring best practice examples; course resources on a USB flash drive; lunches, morning/afternoon teas, and; quality hire bicycles and helmets. You can bring you own helmet or bicycle if you wish.

Full course details and advice to participants will be emailed on registration.


Download and complete the registration form and email to the course convenor, Dick van den Dool by close of business, nine days prior to each course. If you are a TfNSW staff member you should register through your staff training coordinator.

For further information or to register, contact:

  • Course coordinator: Dick van den Dool
  • Email:
  • Phone: 02 9349 4810
  • Mobile: 0418 234 026


Click on the images below to download the documents.

              Course Flyer                                    Course Program                      Course Registration